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Powering our clients' successful business growth with cost-effective, customised professional solutions

Served Clients

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Market R&D Consulting

An experienced locally based team of combined Chinese and international professionals is always best placed to effectively address the needs and concerns of overseas, and China based, foreign clients. Only a local presence can understand the Chinese market in sufficient depth and detail, fully leverage local connections and resources, and truly understand the full range of requirements (e. g. cultural, regulatory, logistical) of both sides involved in bespoke projects - ensuring total customisation to desired outcomes.

International Talent Development

Since 2018, we have provided fully customised face-to-face and online training and coaching programs to multinational enterprises around the world, with learners from all over the world. Developed and delivered only by trainers and coaches with extensive, high level international business backgrounds, our talent development products offer real word solutions. We focus on tangible business benefits and solutions, not abstract theories.

Vocational Education Consulting

Delivery and management of accredited vocational courses and skills training directly in Chinese high schools, colleges, universities, and enterprises.
A range of internationally accredited and recognised overseas vocational qualifications in Business, Leadership and Management, Work Health and Safety, and Project Management - delivered in English.
These courses and qualifications are to internationally recognised and offer further pathways and credits towards both higher vocational qualifications and Bachelor Degree courses at leading overseas universities.

As China continues its policy of opening up to the outside world, these qualifications set the required essential standards Chinese professionals will need to successfully conduct business internationally and advance their careers on a global stage.

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